Monday, November 19, 2012

November 19 to November 30th

The next 2 weeks are for you to post a blog of your choice.  It must be art related!  Also be sure to write your blog as if you were righting a paper for school.  This is not a text message.

Post your blog and post 2 comments on someone else's blog.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Doubting abilities

I sometimes look at my artistic abilities and I get a wave of different emotions.  One day, I will feel successful and confident with my photography skills.  I could modify any face, remove any wrinkle, fix the worst lighting conditions.  Even think that I could possibly do portrait photography full time.  It is a wonderful feeling to know that I have the skills to improve a photograph or draw my children's faces.

And then there are other days . . .  

The days when you have a bad photo session, your creativity level is hovering about zero, and you're working slower than a mule.  Then days that make you question your experience and drive.  Unfortunately we all have those days when working on our craft.

So how do you get past them?

This is a question that every artist or person must deal with.  How do you deal with the highs and lows of working with your art.