Monday, October 22, 2012

October 22nd to November 2nd

The next 2 weeks are for you to post a blog of your choice.  It must be art related!  Also be sure to write your blog as if you were righting a paper for school.  This is not a text message.

Post your blog and post 2 comments on someone else's blog.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Destroyed Art

Valuable painting destroyed by elderly woman’s DIY restoration attempt

GLOBALPOSTThe Ecce Homo painting by 19th-century Spanish artist painter Elias Garcia Martinez is seen before and after a volunteer in her 80s tried to restore it.

An elderly woman has unintentionally destroyed a valuable piece of artwork after she decided to “restore” the painting herself.
The painting was a 19th-century Spanish fresco titled Ecce Homo by painter Elias Garcia Martinez. It was donated to a cultural centre in the town of Borja, Spain, by the painter’s granddaughter, according to the Telegraph. The centre reportedly holds an extensive archive of regional religious paintings.
The woman, a neighbour of the church reportedly in her 80s, thought she would save the church both time and money by restoring the painting herself.
The Telegraph described the restoration as: “a botched repair where the intricate brush strokes of Martinez were replaced with a haphazard splattering of the octogenarian’s paint. Years of carefully calculated depth of expression simply washed out by copious amounts of red and brown.”
Local politician Juan MarĂ­a Ojeda told the Noticias de Navarra news website that the woman who attempted the restoration “had a hard life.” He also added that it would be “very difficult” to recover the painting.
According to Yahoo News, the elderly woman reportedly realized she was ruining the painting and turned herself in to authorities. Ojeda added, “she had gotten out of hand.”

For your blog ...

Find an example of art (any medium) that has made a significant difference in history.  This could be an art movement, an art style, or a specific art piece.  Tell us about the history and how it impacted the art world.