Thursday, February 6, 2014

Put the Kabosh on Fears!

Metka, Brittany
11:28 AM (19 hours ago)
to me
Inline image 1

Hello AP students! It’s me…it’s Todd Kraines!! (1,000 cool points for anyone who knows what that’s from) Actually, it’s me…it’s Miss Metka…from room 172!! I feel so lucky to be a guest contributor for the blog this week! (Thanks Martin :) I love snooping around your room, popping in on class and peeking at your works of art…YES I do! You guys really inspire me. You make me want to be a better artist. Often times, I look at your work and your ideas and wish I was that creative.

You see guys...I dream of being an life goal isn't to be a high school teacher forever...I want to create, I want to make things that matter and I want to put my work out there! Here's the only problem...I'm scared. I'm scared of the amount of time and effort this takes and the potential for failure. I'm scared that I'm actually not good enough. I'm scared about how I'm going to support myself financially while I'm trying to reach my dreams.

The short answer to all of this is: You can't make huge gains without taking big risks. I'm curious to know what you're scared of in relation to your art, creativity, future etc. Why do we let fear control us? How can we put the kabosh on our fears? Please ponder and respond to all three questions. In your comments to each other, I'd like you to try to answer or reassure some of the fears you all have. Use this time to complement and lift each other up. Sometimes we all need some encouragement so we can gain some confidence and stop being so hard on ourselves. 

In your post, please include an image of your most favorite work of art you've ever created. 

And if you don't know what 'kabosh' means...look it up in the urban dictionary! :) I look forward to reading your responses.

The painting I'm including is a work in progress but it's something I'm really proud of and for the most part happy with how it's developing. I'm very emotionally attached to this piece which might be why I love it so much.

P.S. (added by Mrs. Martin) - I knew who Todd Kraines was.  Already got the 1000 cool points.