Monday, December 17, 2012

December 17th to Jan. 7th

The next 2 weeks are for you to post a blog of your choice.  It must be art related!  Also be sure to write your blog as if you were righting a paper for school.  This is not a text message.

Post your blog and post 2 comments on someone else's blog.

Happy Holidays! 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Art vs Crafts

Start by checking out this video first . . . What the heck is the difference between a craft show and Art Basel (coolest art show ever and really want to attend - Miami here I come)?  Are they the same thing? Are art shows and galleries calling artwork "art" so they can make a massive profit and overcharge patrons?  Are craft shows just "country-ish" art shows held outdoors with lower price tags?    I found this topic to be incredibly interesting to me mainly for one reason.  My in-laws.  My mother in law use to be a crafter.  In fact their whole family use to do partake in craft season.  Oh yes kids, their is an actual craft season.  They would work endlessly making cute decorations for your home and sell them at a reasonable price to the public.  They never did it to make the big bucks but solely because they enjoyed the atmosphere, building process, working with their hands.  Now sometimes the crafts were actually pretty cool and took a great deal of skills and time and others well . . . I should be nice and not say.  I even have a few as holiday decorations at my house.  Either way, is this a form of art?  I consider myself and artist but should I also consider them artists too?

Monday, November 19, 2012

November 19 to November 30th

The next 2 weeks are for you to post a blog of your choice.  It must be art related!  Also be sure to write your blog as if you were righting a paper for school.  This is not a text message.

Post your blog and post 2 comments on someone else's blog.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Doubting abilities

I sometimes look at my artistic abilities and I get a wave of different emotions.  One day, I will feel successful and confident with my photography skills.  I could modify any face, remove any wrinkle, fix the worst lighting conditions.  Even think that I could possibly do portrait photography full time.  It is a wonderful feeling to know that I have the skills to improve a photograph or draw my children's faces.

And then there are other days . . .  

The days when you have a bad photo session, your creativity level is hovering about zero, and you're working slower than a mule.  Then days that make you question your experience and drive.  Unfortunately we all have those days when working on our craft.

So how do you get past them?

This is a question that every artist or person must deal with.  How do you deal with the highs and lows of working with your art.

Monday, October 22, 2012

October 22nd to November 2nd

The next 2 weeks are for you to post a blog of your choice.  It must be art related!  Also be sure to write your blog as if you were righting a paper for school.  This is not a text message.

Post your blog and post 2 comments on someone else's blog.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Destroyed Art

Valuable painting destroyed by elderly woman’s DIY restoration attempt

GLOBALPOSTThe Ecce Homo painting by 19th-century Spanish artist painter Elias Garcia Martinez is seen before and after a volunteer in her 80s tried to restore it.

An elderly woman has unintentionally destroyed a valuable piece of artwork after she decided to “restore” the painting herself.
The painting was a 19th-century Spanish fresco titled Ecce Homo by painter Elias Garcia Martinez. It was donated to a cultural centre in the town of Borja, Spain, by the painter’s granddaughter, according to the Telegraph. The centre reportedly holds an extensive archive of regional religious paintings.
The woman, a neighbour of the church reportedly in her 80s, thought she would save the church both time and money by restoring the painting herself.
The Telegraph described the restoration as: “a botched repair where the intricate brush strokes of Martinez were replaced with a haphazard splattering of the octogenarian’s paint. Years of carefully calculated depth of expression simply washed out by copious amounts of red and brown.”
Local politician Juan MarĂ­a Ojeda told the Noticias de Navarra news website that the woman who attempted the restoration “had a hard life.” He also added that it would be “very difficult” to recover the painting.
According to Yahoo News, the elderly woman reportedly realized she was ruining the painting and turned herself in to authorities. Ojeda added, “she had gotten out of hand.”

For your blog ...

Find an example of art (any medium) that has made a significant difference in history.  This could be an art movement, an art style, or a specific art piece.  Tell us about the history and how it impacted the art world.  

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sept. 24th to Oct. 5th

The next 2 weeks are for you to post a blog of your choice.  It must be art related!  Also be sure to write your blog as if you were righting a paper for school.  This is not a text message.

Post your blog and post 2 comments on someone else's blog.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The beginning of AP

Important Website to check out:

comparision.jpgWe're back.  I know that some of you are sad that the summer is over while some of you are excited to see your friends and get your final high school year over with.  To be honest, I have mixed feelings over the situation.  I am leaving two wonderful kids behind and making a new start with fresh classes and eager kids.  

Again welcome back.

So lets dive head first into AP and figure out how this whole process is going to work.  Like I said on Tuesday, there are two parts to Portfolio class.  The breadth portfolio and the concentration portfolio.  We are going to focus on the breadth section first which is considered more of the "technical" portfolio.    You are showing your skills, talent, drive, and elements/principals of art.  In this portfolio you will have variety and different methods of art making.  You will need to experiment and not be afraid to work outside of the box.  All things that I know as artists you are capable of doing.  None of this is new to you.  

For your first blog I want you to go to this site:
high school portfolios

Take time and quietly scroll through each individual portfolio.  Look through the 3D or 2D work and definitely look through the Breadth portfolios.  Don't just look at the first image that comes up either.  Laziness is not a part of this class.  But open the student work and write down notes about each person.  What are their strong points, what are the weaknesses, what areas of art do you need to focus on or improve in?  

After you examine and review the works, respond to my blog.

Here's your question . . . ready . . . Which piece inspires you and why?

Simple question I know but really explain yourself.  Post a response to this blog and be sure to paste an image and explanation.  There is no sentence minimum or max.  Just fully explain your thoughts and feelings.  Harder than it sounds.